Tuesday, December 4, 2007

rough draft

let me know your thoughts on this?
It's still a work in progress


It was said, when it began
"this is a wall to keep them out."
but it soon became 200 yards of mines,
dogs, and machines
to keep everyone in.

Walls have holes from tacks,
spots of paint missing from ripped tape.
Punctured and peeled-
but sealed.

Not even walls
can harbor
every color in the

I am often tired.
But then I feel guilty
because the walls of our atriums
consistently pulse-
pushing and stretching
to transfer the essentials
and turn the tired blue
into an oxygen-rich red.

Walls separate and categorize the necessary-
writing from WWII,
chemicals from calculators.
The mind
from learning new ways to speak.

Some called her an architect.
She created the most spectacular walls.
They kept the world at a safe distance
and they were very efficient.
She worked and designed for only herself.

Frames of words or moments at standstill
"Remember this?"
Walls are an icon of raw strength,
they carry the weight of the past
without resistance and without say.
They carry it all, and they still hold their ground
without wavering
or crumbling.

Walls will put up a fight-
you have to know how to tear them down.
Caution signs will warn you
to not cross the yellow tape
without excessive patience.

Some build walls to keep each and everything outside.
They usually don't block all sounds-
but they muffle
and do the best they can.

"I don't quite know what to do with this wall.
Maybe it's the color, it doesn't work.
It doesn't flow with the others,
it's always been the one that's given me a problem."

It braves cliffs
and the most uniquely impossibly peaks.
A sanctuary from evil-
Tell me of any other wall
that is visible from space.

I watched from the kitchen
while you banged your suitcases
against the walls of the hallway.

I felt like that wall-
beaten and scarred by
something that is never coming back.
You can't spackle hearts...
can you?


Joker Rose said...

its good its stright foward and i like some of the imagrey ..a few lines can be worked with like for better diction but other than that i like


hottest out said...

Hey fool, this piece was well written for such a vague topic.

Horiz0ns said...

I felt like that wall-
beaten and scarred by
something that is never coming back.
You can't spackle hearts...
can you?

...I love this last stanza. This is a great poem i love the way that you take such a seemingly boring and straitforward topic and use it in such a different and diverse way.